VDS Sunucusu için Önerilecek Yer

Bu konuda 2 mesaj var

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An itibariyle durmadan brute attack yiyen niobeweb' den kiraladığımız, defalarca söylememize rağmen bizim sorunumuz değil diyip geçiştirdikleri VDS sunucumuzdaki bütün dosyalarımız şifrelenmiş olup sunucudaki bütün hostarımıza en aşağıda belirttiğim not bırakılmıştır.


Artık bu miğde bulantılarıyla uğraşmak istemediğim için sizin fikirlerinize ihtiyacım var. En sorunsuz, güvenli, PHP ve MySQL desteği veren bir VDS sunucusunu başka bir yerden kiralamak istiyoruz. Önereceğiniz yer var mıdır acaba?


Your personal files are encrypted! Encryption was produced using a unique public key RSA-2048 generated for this computer.

To decrypt files you need to obtain the private key.

The single copy of the private key, which will allow to decrypt the files, located on a secret server on the Internet. After that, nobody and never will be able to restore files...

To obtain the private key for this computer, which will automatically decrypt files, you need to pay 1 bitcoins (~240 USD).
Without key, you will never be able to get your original files back.



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PURSE FOR PAYMENT(ALSO AUTHARIZATION CODE): 1KepgbaoTDfaSUPUrL4hcvF5AU4Ghn1PEx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WEBSITE: https://decryptxfjnybzcb.onion.to

After you made payment, you should go to website https://decryptxfjnybzcb.onion.to
Use purse for payment as ur authorization code (1KepgbaoTDfaSUPUrL4hcvF5AU4Ghn1PEx).
If you already did the payment, you will see decryption pack available for download,
inside decryption pack - key and script for decryption, so all what you need just run that script ( ./decrypt )

Also, at this website you can communicate with our supports and we can help you if you have any troubles,
but hope you understand we will not answer at any messages if you not able to pay.

!!!P.S. Our system is fully automatic, after payment you will receive you’re decrypt pack IMMEDIATELY!!!



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