KOTOR 1 Remake

Bu konuda 13 mesaj var

The beloved BioWare-developed Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is being treated to an Unreal Engine 4 remake. The team developing it are adding new missions, worlds, and more.

Apeiron, the title of the Knight of the Old Republic "reboot," is being developed by indie gaming group Poem Studios with help from fans of the Star Wars RPG. The team has posted pictures of areas Endar Spire and Tatooine, and you can see them for yourself above.

The Apeiron website answers a couple questions that interested players might have, like is making a Star Wars game like this legal? According to the remake's developer, the game being made is totally fine, while selling it isn't. That means when the remake releases, it'll be 100 percent free.



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Yeniden yapılırsa güzel olur ama Disney peşini bırakmaz onların, izin vermezler. Bioware de arıza çıkarabilir hatta.

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daha yeni muhabbetini yapıyodum remake yapsalar bari diye...


gerçi alakasız bi firmanın yapıyo oluşuna sevinsem mi üzülsem mi bilemedim ama... bakalım  :8

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Bu haberi araştırırken bi de şöyle bi saçmalıkla karşılaştım.. : 



More than a decade after its release in 2004, Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords continues to expand to new platforms and add fresh features. The Obsidian-developed role-playing game launched on Tuesday for Mac and Linux, with a major update for the existing PC edition also launching today.


New features available now for Knights of the Old Republic II include:

  • Steam Workshop support
  • Achievements
  • Controller support
  • Native widescreen resolution support
  • Support for up to 5K monitors
  • Steam Cloud saves

Developers also say they worked with the team behind The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod to make that mod available to players. The fan-made mod includes a host of bug fixes, as well as content that Obsidian developed but didn't make it into the game upon its initial release in December 2004.


Ulan meğersem KOTOR 2'ye 56 yıl sonra Steam achievementları ve extra içerik gelmiş...  :icon_eek:

ObiWan beğendi

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Hmm görmemişim ya  :icon_think:


Lakin böyle indie amcalar yerine bioware ve oblivion 2sini birden söyle bi remasterlasalardı iyiydi... Nese görücez.. 

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Bu adamlar kafalarına göre bir oyun seçip remaster yapabiliyorlar mı? Bu işin bu kadar kolay olacağını zannetmiyorum.


Disney neden kendi yapip para kazanabilecegi bir seyi baskasinin yapmasina izin versin ki?

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