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Oyunu 2 gün oynayamadım. Dün akşam 2 saat gireyim dedim ne kadar mal varsa ne kadar salak takım varsa hep oraya attı garezi varmış gibi. 25 dk da 9 oyuna girdim çıldırıp kapattım en sonunda. :D


Aynı dert bende de var. Solo atınca çıldırıyorum, 5 oyun oynasam solo'da anca birini kazanabiliyorum. Düştüğüm takım alabildiğine mal oluyor, karşı takımda acayip pro. Zarya'nın ultisiyle combolar yapmalar, çok güzel takım oyunu oynamalar falan.

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Oyunu 2 gün oynayamadım. Dün akşam 2 saat gireyim dedim ne kadar mal varsa ne kadar salak takım varsa hep oraya attı garezi varmış gibi. 25 dk da 9 oyuna girdim çıldırıp kapattım en sonunda. :D


Oyuna tanıdık 1-2 kişiyle birlikte girmeyince her takımda en az 1-2 tane Rus oluyor, 1-2 tane velet oluyor. Herkes kafasına göre takılıyor. O yüzden mutlaka 2-3 kişiden az toplanmadan oynamamak lazım. Ben competitive de arkadaşarımla girmediğim 1 maçı kazandım sadece. :) Gerçi daha 40.level bile olmadım, toplam oyun saatim de 24 civarında ama mutlaka takım olmak lazım işte.

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Takım olunca iyi oluyor da dün akşam kimse yoktu ortalıkta mecbur Quick Game'e girdim zaten.


Competitive rastgele hayatta girmem artık özellikle son grup olarak beraber oynadığımız maçlardan sonra.

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Takım olunca iyi oluyor da dün akşam kimse yoktu ortalıkta mecbur Quick Game'e girdim zaten.


Competitive rastgele hayatta girmem artık özellikle son grup olarak beraber oynadığımız maçlardan sonra.


Beni ekleyebilirsin. Ben genelde akşamları giriyorum. 22 - 02 arası falan takılıyorum. Forumda sürekli oynayanların zaten competitive'de bir grupları var sanırım, ona dahil olmak çok zor. :)

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Shutdown'ları Mercy ile yapmak acayip zevkli oluyor. Geçen eleman ağzının suyu aka aka 5 kişiyi Deadeye yapacaktı öldürdüm oyundan çıktı. :D

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If a match goes into Overtime for more than 20 seconds, the fuse will now start to "burn down" more quickly
Players now respawn more slowly during Overtime (increased spawn time by 2 seconds)
Competitive Play
Competitive Play matches can now only have one of each hero per team.
For more info, click here.
Added Ana as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
Timing on Zenyatta's Rapid Discord achievement is more lenient
Targeted teammates now respond by saying "I'm with you," when players use the “Group Up” communication
Renamed five sprays to avoid duplicate titles
Self-healing abilities now charge ultimate abilities. As a result, some heroes’ ultimate costs have been adjusted (see below).
Configuration: Tank
Ultimate cost increased by 10%
Defense Matrix
Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second
A new resource meter has been added. This meter will deplete while Defense Matrix is active and then recharge when it’s not in use.
Defense Matrix takes 10 seconds to reach full charge from empty
At a full charge, Defense Matrix will last for 4 seconds
Defense Matrix will now remain active as long as its assigned hotkey is held
Defense Matrix has been reclassified as an alternate fire and is now bound to RMB (by default)
An option to “Toggle Defense Matrix” has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va
Ultimate cost decreased by 15%
Explosion delay reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
Explosion no longer damages D.Va (the player who activates it)
Developer Notes: D.Va isn't being selected as often as our other tanks, and we feel a lot of that stems from the underperformance of her damage absorption abilities. So, we've reconfigured her Defensive Matrix, making it more flexible and giving players the ability to use it more often. We’ve also given Self-Destruct a little more oomph, because it felt slightly underwhelming when compared to many of Overwatch's other ultimate abilities.
Sound Barrier
Ultimate cost increased by 10%
Now maintains full damage at longer distances, but will deal less damage at extreme ranges
Developer Notes: While the game does feel better following the nerf to McCree’s close-range damage in a previous patch, it left him a little too weak. So, we're increasing his effective distance, making his range similar to Soldier: 76’s. This should hopefully give players another option for dealing with pesky long-range damage dealing heroes like Pharah and Hanzo. 
Caduceus Staff
Damage Boost
Effect will no longer stacks with bonus damage provided by another Mercy
Ultimate charge cost increased by 30%
Movement is no longer prevented during activation
Guardian Angel instantly resets upon use
Developer Notes: Mercy's ultimate is one of the most powerful abilities in the game; however, players would often fly into the fray and die while using it. With this update, Resurrect will now take a bit longer to charge, but Mercy will be a lot safer when activating the ability in the middle of combat.
Whole Hog
Ultimate cost increased by 45%
Soldier: 76
Heavy Pulse Rifle
Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly)
Tactical Visor
Ultimate cost increased by 10%
Base shields increased by 50 (now 50 Health/150 Shield)
Primary fire weapon damage decreased from 45 to 40
Alternate fire weapon damage increased from 35 to 40
Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony
Projectile speed has been increased from 30 to 120
Movement speed is now doubled upon activation
Healing amount increased from 200 to 300 health per second
Developer Notes: While Zenyatta has never had the healing abilities of Lúcio or Mercy, he made up for it by dealing more damage. However, his lack of mobility and low health has meant he’s struggled to find a place in many games. To increase his effectiveness, we've made several changes, the biggest of which is an increased shield pool. This will allow him to go head-to-head with more enemies. The Orb of Harmony and Discord changes are also a quality of life change, helping Zenyatta move his orbs around and apply their effects more quickly. And lastly, we’ve increased Transcendence’s healing throughput. This ultimate was designed to be the most effective against sustained, high-damage fire and least effective against short, high-damage bursts (like D.Va’s or Junkrat's ultimates). But, due to the amount of healing it provided, there were times when it was possible for even sustained fire to overcome Transcendence’s output. We’ve made the heal powerful and also allowed Zenyatta to move around more quickly while it’s active.
Game Options
Players can now enter numerical values for any option that also has slider (e.g. FoV, volume, sensitivity, etc.)
Players can now hide in-game chat by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-C or by typing "/hidechat" into the chat window
Mouse sensitivity can now be adjusted out to two decimals
Mid-match tips can now be toggled on or off (this will enable/disable tips that pop up after a player dies)
Friend Request toasts can now be toggled on or off
Friend notifications can now be toggled on or off
Whispers can now be toggled on or off
Added 21:9 aspect ratio support
Players can now enable a real-world clock by toggling the "Display System Clock" setting
Social Features
Certain commendations will now appear less frequently during end-of-round voting (e.g. Zenyatta’s Transcendence Healing and Zarya’s Projected Barriers Applied)
The Hero Gallery now remembers the last hero you were looking at and will properly highlight that hero whenever returning to the gallery
Reduced the chance for larger projectiles (i.e. Hanzo's arrows, Zenyatta's orbs) to hit targets around corners
Fixed a bug that caused the “payload is nearing its final destination” music to continue playing even after the match was over
Fixed a bug that caused the UI to disappear whenever the game was forced into windowed mode by an external application
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause visual healing effects to appear on the wrong hero whenever multiple players attempted to pick up a Health Pack
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause different heroes’ victory poses to clip into each other
Fixed several lighting issues with the killcam
The payload on King’s Row will no longer retreat back inside its starting location if the attacking team fails to push it
Adjusted the Hero Select screen volume for the attacking team on Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Added Spectator camera collision to most maps
Fixed issues with player collision across multiple maps
Fixed issues with ambient lighting and shadows across multiple maps
Fixed a bug that was preventing friendly hero dialogue not being audible over long distances as intended
Fixed a bug that caused D.Va to sometimes ignore player collision when summoning her mech
Fixed several bugs where Mei’s Ice Wall would persist in the game world even after the player switched heroes or left the game
Fixed even more bugs that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Reinhardt’s Barrier Field to get stuck in the “on” position if the player used the “Toggle Barrier” setting
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Roadhog to accidentally Chain Hook targets standing behind him
Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Barrier Projector shield to ignore the “Sound Effects Volume” setting
Competitive Play
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players not to be able to rejoin games

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Ya çok oynamadım ama Mercy'nin bile ofansa katkı verdiği yerde Ana çok defansif kalmış. Resmen 500 metre arkada otur bekle karakteri gibi. Sniper'ı düşmanlara karşı çok tırt. Yakında Buff'larlar. Widow sniperı gibi hasar vermedikçe pek bir işe yaramaz kimse de oynamaz.

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Shadowplay sağolsun Fraps ızdırabı olmadan da video çekmeye başladık.


Video +25 üstü, her türlü küfürü içerir. Çocuklarınızı ekrandan uzak tutun.



ft. stardust, narcissus, hungarde

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Dikkat, videolar şiddet ve nefret içeriklidir.


ps: şimdi oturdum izledim de, "değiştir onu, d.va bir boka yaramıyor" diye cart curt konuşan mallara ders niteliğinde olmuş. watch and learn to play noobs.

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Competitive mod bildiğin amele kaynıyor. Widow ile Hanzo bir alanlar mı, Tracer'la koşturup kafasına göre takılan mı ne ararsan var. Dün en son herkes çıktı oyundan tek kaldım. Karşı takım bile üzüldü lan halime. Gittim adamların karşısına öldürmediler bir de Reaper'le alkış tuttum. :D

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Onlar bir şey olsa keşke, ruh hastası bize teamspeak'e girin demesine karşın, "hayır, kendi aramızda konuşuyoruz biz" dedik. Adam maçı bıraktı, kasten oynamadı yenildik, sonra tekrar arattık yine aynı obez yine aynı terane...  :icon_crash:  :shot:

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Adam bi anda video osman oldu... Aslında taa ilk başında yapmalıydık bunu da neyse.. 


Temiz bir başlangıç yapalım şimdi yeni sayfaya...








Yeni Videolar:






Daha önce de uyardığım gibi videolar, şiddet, nefret, hakaret ve cinsellik içerir. 

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Competitive mod bildiğin amele kaynıyor. Widow ile Hanzo bir alanlar mı, Tracer'la koşturup kafasına göre takılan mı ne ararsan var. Dün en son herkes çıktı oyundan tek kaldım. Karşı takım bile üzüldü lan halime. Gittim adamların karşısına öldürmediler bir de Reaper'le alkış tuttum. :D


Competitive oynuyorlar, herifler birde yüzküsur levela gelmişler, mal mal oynuyorlar deliriyorum. Kıçımı yırtıyorum ben oynarken kazanalım diye, bölüme uygun hero alıyorum, işe yaramazsa değiştiriyorum falan, herifçioğlu saldırırkende defans yaparkende alıyor reaperi, başkası ne alırsa alsın hiç değiştirmiyor. Ha birde oynayabilse canım yanmayacak. Cidden işkence ya. 2 maç kazanıyorum 4 maç kaybediyorum sonra üst üste.

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Oyunda herkes Genji Master olmuş.


Blizz'in Nerf/Buff'ları can sıkmaya başladı.


Mercy çöp oldu. Her takımda Zenyatta/Lucio kombosu oluyor. Bir de bunları oynayamayan adamlar oldu mu hepten haliniz harap oluyor. Dün akşam 2 maç yaptım delirdim resmen.

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