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Bu konuda 746 mesaj var

Manowar spotify orucunu bozmuş nihayet adam gibi manowar dinleyebilecem oh bea. 


Bu arada Kara Han diye bir grup önerdi spotify

törkiş folk metal ama at avrat metal! üçlemesine bayıldım. Hafif manowar tadı almadım değil. 




CandleGarden beğendi

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Videonun altındaki bir yorum çok güzel:


I absolutely love this soundtrack. Compared to music in most FPS games that serve only to heighten drama and glorify excessive violence, this piece is unique in that encourages honest reflection of the actions that you take as a player, and what the consequences of those same actions may have in the real world. The slow and gruelling strings that permeate the entire piece is a heart-wrenching reminder that beneath the black uniforms and heavy hand of law, there lies a human being who has lost friends and sometimes a part of themselves saving the lives of others. A human being who has to confront the worst humanity has to offer head on everyday and somehow still retain their own humanity. And as the piece proceeds, one can hear the faint notes of piano that interspace the ominous bass and drums, bringing in an ever small sliver of light to a grim world saturated by violence and madness. The player is led to understand that the purpose of their presence is not to further precipitate violence, but to act as the ray of hope for the characters helpless caught in the midst of it. Indeed, despite all the systemic flaws of the police forces and the media portrayal of brutality, one cannot deny that those who choose to take up arms for good and courage as opposed to cowardly and selfish actions is and will always be the only ray of hope in the harsh and divided world in which we inhabit.


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