Battlefield 1 (PC / XONE / PS4)
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Get ready to team up. Today we are introducing the first wave of Platoons features for Battlefield 1. It’s something a lot of you have been asking for, and that we are very happy to finally release. Our focus in this initial release is to add some of the core and most essential Platoons features, such as the Platoon Tag, while building a robust system that we can continue to expand and improve going forward.

Below is an overview of what’s available in this initial release:


Create & Manage - Any player can create a Platoon; you are however limited to one General role, the highest rank and the rank a Platoon creator starts with, at any one time. When creating a Platoon, you can add the following info:

Name - This is required and must be 3-24 characters. Names are not exclusive.

Tag - This is required and consists of 1-4 alpha-numerical characters. Tags are not exclusive.

Description - This is optional and can be up to 256 characters long. Use this to describe your Platoon however you see fit. 

Emblem - You can choose an emblem for the Platoon from your own personal Emblem gallery. The emblem is then “copied” to the Platoon, meaning that if you later update your own emblem, it’s not automatically reflected in the Platoon emblem.

Access Type - This selection defines how other players can and cannot join your Platoon:

  • Open - Anyone can join the Platoon instantly.
  • Apply-to-Join - Anyone can apply; Platoon members with permissions can accept or reject applications.
  • Closed - No one can join the Platoon while in this state. 

It’s always possible to change any of these values or settings at any time, as long as the Platoon member has permission to modify it.

General - This is the highest Platoon rank and there can only be one General in the Platoon at any one time. The creator will initially get this rank, but can transfer it to someone else (which must be done if you want to leave the Platoon). The General has access to everything, including the option to change name, tag, and even disband the Platoon.

Colonel - Colonel is the second-highest rank and has access to most Platoon management tools, such as editing the description, emblem, and the access type. This means they can step in for the General most of the time.

Lieutenant - The Lieutenant is the lowest level rank with management permissions. Mainly their ability is to accept or reject Platoon applications, if the Platoon is set to “Apply-to-Join”, as well as link their Rented Servers to the Platoon.

Private - Private is the initial rank any new member gets in the Platoon. This rank doesn’t give you access to anything, besides the fact that you are now a member of the Platoon and can represent it and join other members playing. As a rule of thumb, you can always promote someone else to one rank lower than your own, and demote or kick members that are one rank or lower than your own. Rank permissions also always stack, so if you’re promoted you can know for certain that you have the same access as before – and more.

Find & Join - Platoons is all about playing together. In the “Find Platoon” section, you will sometimes get a list of recommended Platoons to join, which is currently based on other Platoons that your friends are representing. Once you’ve found a Platoon, its access type will determine how easy it is for you to join. Maybe you can simply join it right away, or you must apply. If you’re unlucky it’s closed, and that’s that.

Representing and Playing with Your Platoon - For many players, representing your Platoon is what it’s all about and we have tried to make this process easy, smooth, and awesome with the new system. First, you can always only represent one Platoon at any given time, and you can also choose not to represent any. You will retain your membership and rank in the Platoon; it’s basically just something you toggle. When you represent a Platoon, its tag will automatically be displayed in front of your name and its emblem will automatically be displayed wherever your emblem is usually displayed. This essentially “overrides” your equipped emblem; when you represent a Platoon, we want you to really represent it.

Besides having the tag and emblem, if you fill up a squad with other players that represent the same Platoon, the squad will automatically be renamed to the Platoon’s name. Furthermore, if your represented Platoon contributed the most to a Flag Capture (with at least two members present), a pennant carrying your Platoon emblem will be shown on the flag pole. More bragging rights for you.


We currently employ limitations of 100 members per Platoon – if your group is more than 100 people, we suggest you create more Platoons with the same name, tag, emblem and description – and you can at max be a member of 10 Platoons. This includes pending applications; if you are a member of 8 Platoons and have 2 Platoons with pending applications to join, you will not be able to join or apply for any other Platoon unless you leave a Platoon or cancel an application. Increasing these limits are something we will consider going forward.

One of our primary focus areas has also been to more easily facilitate playing together in groups, so we’ve added the ability to always see where your Platoon is playing and join them. 




If you’ve ever played as a Medic, dashing through hailstorms of bullets and explosions disregarding your own safety to get to a fallen team mate, only to have them “skip” at the very last second, you know how frustrating it can be.

You can now “spot” the dead player to indicate that you are on your way to them. The player will see your name blinking in the death screen and show as “incoming medic”. The medic will also shout that he is coming.

If they decide to skip anyway, they didn’t deserve to be saved in the first place.




This is one of the areas where we are getting a lot of feedback, so it feels great to be able to finally release some new features to the community:

  • Server admins can now add other players to a list to give them admin rights to the server.
  • A server can now be set to need lower numbers before pre-round ends (from 20 to 6).
  • We are also adding the ability to use password protected servers.

Just as with the other parts of the game, server administration functionality is something we will continuously improve over time. This is the beginning. Please keep giving us feedback on what to improve next.




Other feedback from the community is that more weapons are wanted. And we agree! With this update, we’re introducing four new weapon variants – one for each class:


Complete special weapon assignments to unlock each weapon.




We brought in the Ribbon system from earlier Battlefield titles with the Winter Update. We’re very happy with how it turned out, so with the Spring Update we’ve decided to expand the system by adding 19 new Ribbons.

The focus with the new Ribbons is to promote teamwork. You will now get Ribbons for performing tasks such as spotting, reviving, resupplying, repairing, healing, and more.




There are five more Dog Tags to get with this update:

  • Battlefest 2017
  • Answers HQ
  • Sakura & Murata
  • Regimental Stein
  • Play to Give



Frontlines - Fixed issue where combat areas weren't activated during warmup, meaning you could go out of bounds.

Frontlines - Fixed issue where timer would not start. Longest game recorded was over 3.5 hours long.

Fixed issue where combat areas could cause minor visual bug in minimap.

Updated the physical material for rivers and lakes on the terrain. Water explosions should now look correct.

Set small game modes on consoles to be 60 Hz.

Increased width of rain texture to avoid tiling patterns.




Fixed multiple glitch spots.




Fixed multiple glitch spots.

Fixed an issue which allowed players to get on top of a bunker they shouldn't be on top of.

Tweaked lighting to make the map look better.




Adjusted height of fog when in airplane or parachute.




Operations - Update to intro camera.

Operations - Made Elite pickups disappear once the defenders won a battalion.

Conquest - Readjusted the spawn locations to avoid spawning near enemies.

Conquest - Adjusted the capture area sizes of A, C and D.

Conquest - Hero kits will be spawned at the HQ of the losing team, if the enemy team owns all capture points.

Conquest - Adjusted the combat area around the German spawn.

Rush - Moved the first MCOM in the 3rd sector closer to the attackers and adjusted some spawn distances due to high rate of successful defenders.

Rush - Adjusted the spawn locations for better balance.

Rush - Added additional cover in the 3rd sector.

Reduced the bloom scale for the customization screen.

Fixed issue where players were able to access unintended area.

Fixed an issue with an invisible collision in a corridor.

Fixed issue where players could not be revived on top of drainage systems.

Fixed issue where climbing the bridge would sometimes not work.

Fixed an issue where players could climb on top of the fort.

Fixed issue with enlighten rendering on some pipes.




Fixed boundaries for free camera when spectating.

Fixed some interactions with doors.




Conquest - Fixed issue where players could capture C from an unintended position.




Operations - Fixed issue where players could spawn in the Behemoth before it was ready and later got teleported back.

Operations - Added a tank for the attackers to the first sector of Rupture

Operations - Adjusted some of the capture and spawn points for better balance.

Conquest - Reduced the number of planes from 3 to 2 per team.

Conquest - Changed size of capture area of A and D point.

Conquest - Swapped B and C flag.

Conquest - Moved motorcycle out of bush near team 2 spawn.

Conquest - Moved spawns back for team 2.

Conquest - Added spawn area AA guns for both teams.

Conquest - Removed an MG position that wasn't supposed to be usable.

Rush - Weakened defense on first and third sectors based on community feedback and telemetry.

Rush - Moved the attacker tank from the first sector to the third sector.




Fixed issue where players were unable to get out of a Fk.96 field gun at a specific rotation.

Moved field gun a meter back to give it a bit more clearance.




Operations - Added an additional AA gun for the defenders on the last sector to balance the attackers' vehicles.

Operations - Tweaked balance based on feedback and telemetry.

Operations - Fixed issue where players could spawn in the Behemoth before it was ready and later got teleported back.

Conquest - Fixed a bug around one of the field guns and fixed an issue related to spawn camping.

Conquest - Readjusted the spawn locations to avoid spawning near enemies.

Conquest - Adjusted the size of some of the capture areas (made them bigger in general).

Conquest - Reduced the number of tanks from 4 to 3 per team and moved one of the 3 tank spawns to the closest capture point (A and E). By this, the enemy team can deny them and influence the tank situation on the map. It also adds more value to points that get less attentions by the players.

Conquest - Increased the tank respawn time to add more value to their use.

Conquest - Reduced the airplanes per team from 2 to 1.

Conquest - Reduced the hero kit spawn respawn time.

Rush - Weakened the defenders by adjusting their spawns in the first and third sectors.

Rush - Fixed an issue where players could spawn outside the combat area.

Fixed boundaries for free camera when spectating.

Toned down exposure while indoors.




Fixed issue where player could not be revived after dying in a puddle near the British HQ.




Operations - Adjusted some of the capture and spawn points for better balance.

Operations - Changed the tickets from 250 to 350.

Operations - The Howitzer in the first sector now spawns after 5 minutes of the first battalion.

Operations - Tweaked the weather on Verdun.

Conquest - Adjusted some of the capture and spawn points for better balance.

Conquest - Adjustments the Hero kit spawn delay.




Fixed all sniper rifles to have separate cocking pieces.

Fixed incorrect scope sway when using 2.00x or 1.25x magnification.

Wrench will no longer make repair sounds and play repair animation when vehicle is fully repaired.

Fixed an issue where the repair indicator progress was not updating when repairing with a wrench.

Fixed issue where the weapon skin "The Seaforth Highlander" was misspelled as "Higlander". There can be only one.

Corrected UI for rate of fire for the M1903 Marksman and Sniper from 51 to 54 rpm, which is the actual ROF for these weapons.

Fixed issue where K Bullets could hurt tanks farther than 150 meters away.

Fixed incorrectly low drag for the Chauchat.

Increased M1903 Experimental trigger pull weight to match the ROF change done in They Shall Not Pass.

Removed post reload delay when using K Bullets on the Martini-Henry.

Fixed an issue where the crosshair disappeared when zooming in using the Villar-Perosa.

Fixed a bug where certain first person reload-animations that were interrupted when killed would not play after being revived.

Fixed bayonet bug that allowed player to be killed without triggering the animation when there was no obstacle between them.




Added a 0.3 s throw delay to all grenades 

Reduced the outer blast radius of the following grenades: 

  • Frag/Stick: 6.3 from 7.0 
  • Impact/Min/Light ATi: 5.6 from 6.0
  • Increased fuse timings on the following grenades:
  • Mini/Frag/Stick: 1.4 s minimum delay from 1.3 s, 0.85 s fuse from 0.7 s
  • Impact: 1.2 s minimum delay from 1.0 s
  • Incendiary: 1.4 s minimum delay from 1.3 s
  • Rifle Frag: 0.8 s fuse from 0.7 s

Increased lethal grenade resupply timers: 

  • Mini: 28s
  • Gas: 35s
  • Light AT: 42s
  • Frag: 49s
  • Impact: 49s
  • Incendiary: 49s

Increased magazine size for smoke grenades from 1 to 2.

Reduced damage of AT Grenades against standard soldiers by 10%.

Increased ammo box resupply rate modifier from 3x to 3.5x for all lethal grenades.

Grenades will no longer resupply unless player is near supply crate or pack.

Grenades should no longer collide with team mates within 10m.

Incoming suppression will halt resupply progress of grenades without an ammo box, and will reduce resupply speed with an ammo box to two thirds its normal value.

Fixed position of rib sight for 12g Auto.

Added folded bayonet when no bayonet is equipped instead of completely removing it for Automatico.

Fixed incorrect 2x zoom level for Bodeo1889.

Tweaked muzzle VFX of Hellriegel.

Fixed spread decrease being too slow for Infantry version of Lebel Model 1886.

Fixed bipod having no influence on recoil and hipfire spread for Sniper version of Lebel Model 1886.

Fixed issue where K Bullet icon would not be visible when using the Lebel.




Fixed a bug where the first-person camera on the Artillery Truck could be in the wrong position.

Fixed a bug where the 1st person camera in the St. Chamond tank would not reset when exiting and re-entering the driver seat during the camera transition for the Pigeon Carrier Artillery.

Corrected BL9 Gas Shell Friendly Fire Behavior. Now damage will be disabled with friendly fire off instead of suppression.

Moved weapon components for St. Chamond equipment from under the vehicle to near the top to allow them to be used in shallow water.

Increased AA cannon blast damage multiplier against planes: 

  • Fighter: 0.8 from 0.7 
  • Attack Plane: 0.75 from 0.7 
  • Bomber: 0.65 from 0.6

Fixed incorrectly low damage of rockets against other planes.

Increased sniper rifle damage multiplier against planes: 

  • Fighter: 1.2 from 1 
  • Attack Plane: 0.9 from 0.75 
  • Bomber: 0.375 from 0.3125

Increased inner blast radius of AA cannons from 4 to 6 meters when the detonation is triggered by a vehicle. 

Removed impact impulse from plane MGs.

Ranken Darts: 

  • Increased reload time from 12 to 15 seconds 
  • Decreased blast damage from 20 to 16.7 
  • Decreased blastradius from 3 to 1.5 meters 
  • Direct damage no longer hurts soldiers

Fixed bad behavior on crashing planes by disabling rotor critical state when landing gear is deployed.

Removed physics impulses from Desert Armored Train AA weapon projectile.

Fixed issue where player could sometimes falsely see two available vehicles instead of one in the deploy screen.

Fixed issue where artillery shells would explode midair.

Fixed an issue where the saber sound kept playing when jumping off a horse while swinging.



Fixed horse melee and camera toggle gamepad button mapping issues related to the alternate and Legacy Southpaw schemes.

Fixed the airplanes throttle input mapping in Lefty buttons + Legacy Southpaw stick combo.

Fixed issue where the Legacy Southpaw control scheme for the Field Gun made the RS have both Strafe and Look functionality.

Fixed issue where using a joystick alongside a mouse would cause the keymapping to revert to default functions.

Added advanced gameplay option for adjusting the Stick Aiming Acceleration. Allows setting the soldier aiming when using a stick, as seen in Battlefield 4.

Removed invalid binding for Left Alternate controller with the horse. Gallop and Melee were being bound to left stick click, which is not possible. Removed the melee attack binding and from now on only gallop will trigger (melee attack would never trigger anyway).

Fixed a bug where vaulting could be triggered while transitioning into prone.

Diving underwater and resurfacing can now only be triggered when the soldier has finished the previous dive or resurface animation.

Fixed a bug where certain inputs would stop working after vaulting.

Separated dead zones for joysticks and gamepads.

Added options to adjust the axial dead zones of the gamepad sticks and the joystick.

Added options to adjust max input thresholds for sticks and gamepad triggers (L2/R2).



Changed the RTL alignment of the squad count text element to avoid the overlap in Arabic.

Changed the alignment of the kit-rank so it is displayed correctly in Arabic.

Changed alignment of progression tracker text for weapons and medals in Arabic.

Changed alignment of XP boost percentage in Arabic.

Adjusted the columns on the scoreboard to restore score and latency to their intended font size.

Fixed issue where an overlap was present in squad menu for the XP boost and the padlock.

Fixed issue where wrong weapon and weapon skin would sometimes appear on the killcam.

The Squad XP boost logo is now responding correctly to the highlight.

Fixed issue where player was unable to see nearby medics if he/she killed him/herself with gas or incendiary grenade.

Fixed issue where weapons bought for Warbonds in the menu system would not show as unlocked in the customize screen.

Fixed issue where some game messages would not show up in the chat.

Fixed issue where other classes than Medic could show up in the "Nearby Medics" list when dead. Can still appear in some rare cases.

Fixed issue where the same map could show up in both slots during vote map.

Added a gameplay option to turn off the Player-Created content.



Fixed jitter for spectator when movement starts.

Replaced Ping in Scoreboard by Latency for all platforms.

Players with a connection above 100ms will have to lead their shot as server side hit detection is performed, indicated by icon in upper right corner.

  • This should lower the hit around corner effects and impede a penalty for high ping players to hit players.

Improved extrapolation handling for jittery players. Movement should now be much smoother and allow the other clients to have better hit detection on those.

Lowered thresholds for network latency warning icons.


  • Yellow 90ms 
  • Red: 200ms.

Fixed issue with grenade unspawning when owner died. When you dropped a grenade right before you died, it previously just disappeared.

Allow bullet damage from killed players if the victim got his shot off while he was still alive. This will allow killtrades, but in a fair manner.

Improved level loading times during network syncing phase. Will improve the time joining into ongoing matches.

Prioritize hit information over other information during networking.

Fixed issue where bullet impact FX would appear at the wrong impact positions.

Moved hit effect in more sync with networked shooter/shooting.

Changed warning icons to use average fps for fps instead of CPU spikes.

Improved algorithm of calculating lag compensation.



Fixed issue that would make map loading times longer than necessary. Should cut ~10 seconds of loading per map.

Fixed issue with flickering water when running the game in SLI.

Fixed a tracking issue with heal and revive scoring criteria.

Map voting is now on as default on official experiences.

Updated game credits.

Added the options to turn off aim assist in rented servers.

Fixed issue where server would crash if 24 players connected at the same time for Domination.

Fixed issue where players could exploit damaging and repairing a vehicle for experience. No more!

Game will now always de-spawn a corpse when the player spawns in again. (Seeing your own dead body can be scary.)



Fixed issue where logging out on Xbox One during the first few seconds of an Operation

intro video caused a freeze at black screen after the video.

Narcissus tarafından düzenlendi
Atrin, ZvAnA, allreadydead and 1 other beğendi

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Ya oyun hiçbir zaman oynanmayacak durumda değildi ama updateler, yenilikler ve devamlı patch demek oyunun eskimemesi demek.. yapsınlar güzel seyler bunlar.. lakin su premium olayı community yi bölüyor.. DLC maplerindeki insanların skilleri vanilla maplerdekilere oranla baya yüksek.. vanilla maplere girdiğimde parkta yürüyüş gibi oluyor :/

Adamlar çalışıyor :alkis:

Sen gonsolda mısın Atrin.. :/

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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We’ve received a lot of feedback from gamers regarding matchmaking into Operations servers, and we’ve made some adjustments – the first of many – to help mitigate getting matched to an empty server.

With this change, a completed match of Operations will loop back to the same Operation rather than exiting the mode. However, you’ll be on the opposite side of the battlefield. For example, if you started as the French Army in the first Operation, you’ll be on the German side when it loops back after the “End of Operation” screen.
By remaining on the same server with other players, instead of returning to the globe screen, we believe this will reduce the occurrence of being matched into an empty server. In the coming updates, we plan to continue to expand this feature to cycle through a complete Operation playlist.




We’ve tested Premium Friends twice in the last couple of months, and we’re bringing it back again. It will be active as we lead up to EA PLAY.




  • Fixed a Spectator Mode bug where the first-person camera could become stuck during the Pigeon Carrier Artillery camera sequence on the Assault Tank.
  • Changed ticket count for Domination to 200 from 100.
  • Fixed missing game mode description for Operations.
  • Tweaked scoring values for capturing flags in Conquest. Capturing gives less score now, however more capture ticks have been added and the team controlling more than 3 flags than the other team will be awarded Conquest Control bonuses.
  • Decreased the percentage of contribution to flag capture/neutralize from 50% to 30%.
  • Added “Join Any Operation” button to main Operations screen. Will start a matchmaking session to join any available operation at any size (40 or 64).
  • Spectator camera no longer missing from the map on Frontlines, Verdun, and Soissons.


  • Tweaked self-repair for A7V, FT17, St. Chamond, and Pierce Arrow.
  • Reduced health gained per self-repair cycle from 320 to 200.
  • Reduced time taken to complete a self-repair cycle from 8s to 5s.
  • o   This makes these vehicles' self-repair equivalent to the self-repair of the MkV Landship.
  • Doubled the health of Field Gun and Stationary AA. Made Field Gun and Stationary AA repairable. Field Gun and Stationary AA will now enter a disabled state at 50% health where they become unusable. To use the weapons again they must be repaired back to 100% with the repair tool.
  • Increased time that the shell camera is active on the MkV mortar landship from 3.5s to 4.5s. This better suits the increased flight time of the new heavy shell.
  • Changed how max range for AA is applied. Max range now varies depending on the pitch of the gun. Shells can travel a maximum horizontal distance of 300m, and a maximum vertical distance of 450m. This applies to both the stationary AA and the AA truck. Previously AA shells timed out at the same max distance from the gun regardless of direction, resulting in a roughly spherical volume covered by the gun. This means horizontal range was as large as the max height the shells could reach, and that at very high altitudes the AA could cover very little area, even if its range was technically large. The new AA shells will have slightly less horizontal range than before at low altitudes, but they will retain that range all the way to the flight ceiling. This will make AA much more effective against high altitude aircraft without making it able to reach distant, low flying ones as well.
  • Extended Fighter and Attack Plane elevator flap scaling curves to better cover the entire speed range.
  • Reduced cooldown of speed boost ability from 30s to 15s for both the Dogfighter and Airship Buster Attack Plane.
  • Set up rear view on all planes: Albatros, Fokker, Spad, Sopwith, Rumpler, Halberstadt, Salmson, Bristol, Gotha, Caproni. To activate: Hold freelook while in third person to use rear view.


Attack Plane Changes:

  • Retuned attack plane elevator flap scaling curve. Attack Plane turning will now be much closer to that of Fighters, but still slightly worse.

Improved Underused Attack Plane Variants:

  • Increased damage of the Airship Buster variant's primary MG from 32 to 40. This puts its AA DPS on par with Fighter MGs.
  • With its speed boost active, the new flap scaling curves will allow this variant to achieve a higher turn rate than the Fighter for a short time. The reduced cooldown on speed boost will allow this advantage to be used more often.
  • Together these changes should make the Airship Buster more competitive with Fighters in its air to air role.
  • Increased velocity of tank hunter 37mm from 222m/s to 267m/s and reduced drag from 0.005 to 0.003. These changes should make the 37mm slightly easier to land hits with, especially against moving or distant targets.



  • Added new secondary weapon, Incendiary Ammo. Incendiary Ammo does greatly increased damage to plane parts, allowing the dogfighter to quickly cripple an enemy plane by breaking a wing.
  • Changed active ability from emergency repair to speed boost.

Bomber Killer

  • Changed active ability from speed boost to emergency repair.

Swapping speed boost and emergency repair on the Dogfighter and Bomber Killer should help both variants in their respective roles. Speed boost gives the Dogfighter a maneuverability edge over the other Fighter variants, and emergency repair gives the Bomber Killer a better chance of surviving tail gun fire from Bombers and Attack Planes.

Increased field gun damage against light vehicles. Armored cars will no longer take less damage than light tanks from field gun hits.



  • Close Support Tank:

o   Increased 37mm HE ammo from 4 to 5.

o   Replaced Secondary Case shell with Coaxial LMG. These changes should help this tank better fulfill its general purpose role.


  • Flanker Tank:

o   Increased reload time on the autocannon from 2.5s to 3.75s.

o   Increased HE autocannon direct damage from 15-10.5 to 17.5-12.5.

o   This results in a 20% reduction in cannon uptime. The direct damage increase will offset the lower uptime against vehicles when targeting vehicles. These changes should make the Flanker slightly less effective against infantry.


  • Howitzer Tank:

o   Corrected primary weapon to HMG as shown in customization, this was actually LMG. The more powerful HMG should help offset its limited firing arc when compared to the Coaxial LMG of the Close Support Variant.

o   Changed driver secondary weapon from case shell to flamethrower on the A7V Flame Tank Variant. This change will reinforce this variant's role as a close range tank.

o   Added third person freelook to the FT Howitzer Variant. Missed this one with the other tanks because the normal version has a turret that can rotate 360 anyway.


  • Added rear firing Tankgewehr as driver secondary weapon for the Tank Hunter Landship Variant.
  • Enabled driving and third person camera while using driver rear guns in the Squad Support and Tank Hunter Landships.
  • Improved MkV Mortar Landship Variant Changed secondary mortar shell from airburst mortar to heavy mortar. Heavy mortar does much more damage and is effective against both infantry and vehicles, but has a much longer reload.
  • Replaced alternate smoke and gas mortar shells with track repair and vehicle smoke equipment. These changes should make the mortar Landship more viable as a combat vehicle, rather than sitting in mortar stance in the backline.
  • Fixed a bug with third person aiming on vehicles that caused a bullet to not fire in the correct direction when aiming at a soldiers head while they are on a horse.


  • Changes to bayonet charge:

o   Activated aiming speed modifier during prepare state as well as charge state. This means a player can rotate a maximum of 50 degrees during the prepare state. Also added an input modifier disabling strafe while charging.

o   Adding subtle boost to third person footsteps when bayonet charging to increase threat awareness. Boosted volume of Enemy VO for Bayonet Charge when close to player.

o   Slightly reduced maximum turn rate while charging.

o   Removed damage reduction while in charge. Weapons will now hit charging players for normal damage.

  • Fixed bug where Bipod Audio could persist when switching to secondary weapon.
  • Tweaked criteria for cross-class medal to require single shot rifles.
  • Added UI for grenade resupply.
  • Reduced the occluder size for the scope glint from 0.25m to 0.15m to hide it behind walls better.


  • Added a camera shake advanced gameplay option to adjust the amount of camera shake caused by explosions, etc.
  • Added missing spotting animation when spotting a downed allied soldier as a medic with the Medical Syringe.
  • Automatically show low on ammo icons on friendly soldiers.


  • Players using controllers can now do custom button/stick mappings.
  • Fixed “Select Operation” button not properly appearing when using the joypad or on console.


  • Moved ping widget to be below the kill log.
  • Fixed an issue in the squad select screen where no squad would be automatically selected for player not part of a squad. The first squad in the list will now be selected by default. Also added support on PC for pressing the space bar to join/leave a squad.
  • Fixed issue with the flag icons and world icons ghosting when going in and out of the customize screen from the deploy screen.
  • Added ability to disable UGC 


  • Implemented per region threshold settings for server side hit detection: 130ms for US + Europe, 200ms elsewhere.
  • Fixed server side hit registration interpolation.
  • Leading shot only necessary by the margin above the threshold, e.g. For US @ 150ms ping, you have to lead by 20ms.
  • Fixed latency display for server which is also responsible for decision if to perform client or server side hit registration.
  • Fixed input offsets for server side hit registration to match client side.
  • Fixed wrong hit indicator display when dying.
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Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Update Notes for the Nivelle Nights Update. We're excited to bring you the first night map in Battlefield™ 1. The map features the French army facing off against the Germans in mud-filled trenches. The atmosphere is soothingly eerie, and the layout promotes both close quarter and long distance combat. The map will be available to Premium Pass players and They Shall Not Pass owners from today. If you do not have either, there is a chance to play the map through Premium Friends.




We have added a new screen at the end of the match, highlighting the best squad in the game. Our data has shown that players playing as part of a platoon are generally playing better than others, so if you haven't already done so, it is time to find a platoon. Earn your place in the spotlight with your platoon.



We have also made some other changes and fixes. Here is the list of this month's items:


Fixed an issue where the player's weapon got filtered audio when late-joining a game in multiplayer.

Increased NO Killtrade distance from 10m to 20m based on community feedback.

Corrected aiming controller settings for the Benet Mercie Optical when using 1.5x zoom. It was using iron sights settings, it will now use optical settings like the other zoom levels.

Added blur around the Selbstlader 1906 Sniper's scope when aiming.

Added single fire mode to the Ribeyrolles to match the description which says it's select fire.

Ammo pouch speeds up grenade resupply if player stands close to it.

Grenade (resupply) icon:

                - Now greyed out (lowered alpha) when out of ammo.

                - Doesn't blink anymore when out of ammo.

                - Resupply progress now shown when close to ammo crate/pouch even when player already has 1 grenade and is resupplying a second grenade (smoke).

Fixed an exploit which allowed AT Mines to be placed on vehicles.

Fixed issue where flamethrower audio could get stuck if killed while firing. Get it? Firing. FIRE-ing.

Fixed issue where player was able to fire weapon while being melee-killed.


Fixed vehicle skin descriptions not showing up in the vehicle customization screen.

Fixed low resolution texture on Chauchat rear iron sight.

Fixed issue where wrong players would hear vehicle Bailout voice over.


Fort de Vaux: Players should no longer be able to get on top of the fort around the courtyard area.

Fixed issue where Conquest Control scoring event was being awarded in other game modes (Operations, Domination).

Fixed an issue where outdoor reverbs were not fully faded in when transitioning from indoor to outdoor.

Verdun Heights: Fixed a few out-of-bounds spawns in Operations.

Verdun Heights: Adjusted the combat area and capture area for the flag in the last Operations sector to improve the balance.

Verdun Heights: Higher likelihood for more weather variation.

Verdun Heights: Adjusted HQ spawns for both teams for Conquest.

Fixed an issue where shells of the BL9 artillery on Rupture in the Rush game mode would be blocked if fired after the attackers had advanced past the second sector.

Fixed an issue where self repair would activate without input upon entering a driver seat after leaving that seat mid repair cycle.  All tank and plane parts are now fixed automatically upon the vehicle reaching full health. This prevents the confusing situation of having a healthy vehicle with broken parts.

Implemented Frontlines on Amiens and Argonne Forest.

Player HUD is now active during Pre-round.

Added original lighting for Soissons to make the level brighter.


Camera Filters and Depth of Field settings can now be used while in Player View mode. (1st person, 3rd person, and director cameras) 

Fixed issue where all squad information was not always sent to spectator.



We know that the community are requesting many more features to improve the RSP program, and we continue to improve it, based on the feedback we’ve been receiving from the Battlefield community.

- Added setting for Unlimited Magazines.


Added a tooltip on the death screen for when the player has a high latency to the server.

Added a message about leading your shots when playing with a high latency to the server.

Moved the latency indicator to not overlap with any other UI elements.


Fixed issue where game crashed after selecting several custom button mappings for the vehicle controller buttons.

Fixed issue where game would stop at black loading screen when loading maps.


Fixed issue where game crashed after selecting several custom button mappings for the vehicle controller buttons.

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Dün akşam son update geldi , Nigh Operations 'ı ben sevdim , gece olmasına rağmen çok karanlık değil ve kampçılara da fazla fırsat yok o açıdan . Nedense diğer maplerden daha akıcı FPS olarak , en azından bana öyle geldi. Sanırım fazla detay ışıklandırma olmayınca vga rahatlıyor :)

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Haritalar genelde rahat, en sıkıntılı harita performans açısından Amiens.


Bu gece haritası da iyi performans açısından.

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BF'nin gece haritaları hiçbir zaman karanlık konusunda bir avantaj yada dezavantaj yaratmamıştır. Aslında bir kere denediler o zifiri gece karanlığını ama ters tepti, bebeler çok ağladı diye yeni bir yama ile kaldırdılar.

BF'de gece olayı farklı bir renk paletinden ibaret. Güzel tarafı dinamik aydınlatma öne çıkıp ateşli silahlar ve patlamalardan yayılan ışık efektleri daha belirgin oluyor.

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HDR monitörümüz yok.:(


Ama iyi gelişmeler tabii, gelsin bakalım.:)


RX Vega 56 + 27CHG70 şu an en ucuz kombo HDR için tabii RX Vega 56 normal fiyatına döndüğünde. 



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Light tank favorim oldu bu oyunda.

Aslında savunması çok zayıf, yani işini bilen bir assult bile tek başına tankın paletlerini elinize verebiliyor, yada kazayla büyük tankla yada top arabasıyla karşılaşırsanız geçmiş olsun. Hatta uçaklar bile çok tehlikeli fakat buna rağmen piyadelere karşı çok etkili.

Piyade desteğini de alıp çatur çutur dalıp karşı takımı darma duman edebiliyorsunuz. Savunmadaki zayıflığını saldırı ile kapatabiliyorsunuz.


Mayın yumurtlama olayı da süper. Bazen karşı takımın tankıyla karşılaşınca ateş ede ede geri kaçarken çaktırmadan mayın döşüyorum, karşıdaki garibim de beni avlayacak diye hevesle üstüme gelirken mayına oturuyor, ondan sonra geri gelip işini bitiriyorum.

Küçük olması sayesinde her deliğe girebiliyor ve duvar falan dinlemiyor. Duvarlardan içeri girerek  "suprise motherf..." yapabiliyorsunuz. Yada karşı takım havan saldırısına başladığında bir duvarı kırıp evin içine saklanabiliyorsunuz.

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Tankcı bebelere bi yenisi daha eklendi demek :lol:


Şaka bi yana sonunda BF1 e yönelebilmek de büyük başarı.. Yani tamam BF3 ve 4 halen gavurların deyimiyle decent oyunlar ama .. Ama burada da hep bahsettiğim gibi BF1 in yeri farklı, sanki yeni BFBC2 yapmışlar ama eski temalı .. 


@rammstein nvidiot kartlarla dx12 stutter yapıyor.. 



Buarada bazı haberler var .. :


- Nivelle Nights Premium olmayan garibanlara da açılıyor.. 


- Aralık gibi Çanakkaleyi de içeren yeni DLC geliyor.. 2 map Aralıkta 2 map Ocakta çıkacak sanırım.. 


- Bir iki gün içinde çıkacak olan patch ile yeni bi oyun modu geliyor.. Operations Campaign mi ne adı... Operationsları iyice birbirine bağlayacak anladığım kadarıyla.. bence güzel.. 


- Suez in Frontlines Mode u geliyor.. 


- Bir iki şey daha vardı aklıma gelirse yazarım.. 


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